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My House, Your House - PROJECT Notes

 For 10 years I've lived here alone; in this sometimes-unnamed entity and at other times it's called home.  Tucked in the recluse quietness of suburbia, it has become my arch nemesis.   This eerie quiet thing even drowns out the busyness of my outside roommates -- the wailing sounds of the birds, the barking of the neighbor's dog who have by the way the least consideration to muster a simple hello so their dog speaks for them and the scurrying shuffle of the squirrels along my trapeze patio ledge.  The only bearing of human life shows up in the sprawling of flung shoes across floors, days-aged dishes on every imaginable surface and my favorite blanket curled up on the sofa ready to welcome me home.  I don't know what to become of this place.  For now, I will continue to let it go on thinking of itself in the most elitist form while I use it to keep safe all my goods I'm too busy to even dust or wash along with all my dreams that I refuse to let go.  Until then, I will do most of my living away from here.

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