"I,too" have a story ...
I, too, sing America.- Langston Hughes
In between fraction lessons a la orange and apple slices and memorizing the 46 counties of our state in our own singsongy 3rd grade manner - "Abbeville, Aiken, Al - len- dale, Anderson, Bamberg, Barn - well, Beaufort ..., " the first poem I remember learning was "Mother to Son" by Langston Hughes.Now far beyond elementary age and Mrs. Slater's 3rd grade class, Langston Hughes' impact on a brown girl like me and our American literature is undeniable. Hughes writings navigated the complex lives of everyday people skillfully curating their stories - plain and reachable.When I sat down to think of a name for an on-going documentary project centered on telling the stories of everyday Americans focused on life and aging, I immediately thought of the title of one of Langston Hughes poem, "I, too."*"I, too" will be an on-going documentary profile project where I will be interviewing, photgraphing and profiling subjects on the topic of aging.Check out my first profile, still somewhat in draft, also a tribute piece to the "Earth Under Our Feet" Project --> 'Ruth.'