Poem: 'Remembering' ... 28,000 days of stories
"We are promised 28,000 days of stories;Our books are closing shut on them. Hurry!We thumb our fingers through the pages.Strain to highlight the parts forgotten.We turn down the corners and still we forget."
Check out the full poem here – “Remembering"
78.8 years or 28,762 days*
To my fellow Americans, here's our average life expectancy as of 2014.* Hits you right smack dab in the face :-) when you look at the math and I'm personally already 1/2 way through this. As Kai Ryssdal of NPRs Marketplace says, "Lets do the numbers..." (side note ... NPRs Marketplace and On-Point are my after-work rush hour traffic addictions).Life is such a balancing act of relishing the past with also moving forward. For me, I wish I could remember and hold on to each past day -- well almost each :-) -- from the rich moments and stories to the mundane. What did I do on my 8th birthday; where did I go the first time I drove alone; what did I and all my restless cousins and neighborhood kids do on all those countless summer days home?"Remembering" was written as part of my on-going project on 'aging' and what does it mean to be a 'Senior Citizen' in the U.S. Though, it is relevant for all of us. It reflects my own struggle with wanting to time capsule each memory especially, as I have lost loved ones in recent years and look at my own aging self and elders in my family.Fact: We all are aging.Fact: We all have stories & memories so tucked that they will never be recounted.Question: For the memories we remember today, how can we hold on to these as we age -- is it even possible? Fact: This makes me sad to know that each day memories are lost but, I'm glad that new great memories are made. Fact: Statistics are just assertions drowned in theories and evidential metrics. No one knows their time here on earth, so as Mary Oliver says it ...
"Tell me what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life" - Mary Oliver.